And there it is..

14 day luteal cycle makes the longest in the 19 cycles that I’ve tracked.

Onto cycle #20 and dIUI#5.


About youmesomeoneelse

A pretty normal couple working their way down the winding and sometimes weird road to having a family

Posted on July 20, 2012, in Uncategorized. Bookmark the permalink. 2 Comments.

  1. Don’t you just HATE when she shows up!! Its hard to stay positive, I know.. But with support from others you’ll be reminded that the glass is half full. In preparation for a family, you recently bought a house! Thats big, exciting and so wonderful.
    You have to keep smiling!

  2. It sucks.The first 3 cycles I was slightly disappointed, this cycle I was totally crushed. The 2 extra days I spent thinking that it might be the one really messed with me.

    Thank you so much, the house is super exciting, I still can’t believe we live here. There are definitely good things going on.

    Thanks too for commenting, it means a lot! I hope that you are keeping your head up too!

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